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"Keeping horses and the people who love them connected"

About flipMylip
flipMYlip, owns, operates EquineIDs, a State of the Art, Secured Database that contains the Voices that Helmi Bishop has given our Equine friends. Now they have the ability to share their stories. Every Horse, pony, donkey, mule can now communicate who they are, where they live, or lived and where they belong the world.

 flipMYlip has been developed to allow you to enter any Equine; regardless of breed, sex, color, training or other classification. At the very least, if someone will just flip that animal’s lip, their Unique Identification Number will tell you who you are looking at. A World Champion Roping Horse, the Best Backyard pony in the world. A Grand Canyon pack mule looking for a nice, well deserved retirement home, everyone is Welcomed!

Does Your Horse Have a Lip Tattoo?

Your Horse May Be Listed in our EquineIDs Database now.
You are welcome check for free any time, Click Here Now and enter the Tattoo number.
If you do not have a Tattoo Number or Partial Number Try the Breed Registration Number. Sincc we launched flipMYlip horses are added daily, be sure to check back.
100% Free and No Obligations
The Unique powerful features of flipMYlip, a vision of Helmi Bishop's, has been carefully developed To Protect the Futures of All Equines, we love and may be separated from, for any reason. It is User Friendly, easy to understand and use. It is The only tool to "Keep horses and the people who love them Connected" for a lifetime.
 Requirements for Use: A Person(s) who chooses to Submit the animal’s information into the Secure, Privately Owned and Operated Data Service to currently Manage and then to Protect the Future of the Equine.